Why Do You Have Bad Breath?

If you have noticed that you have bad breath, you might wonder if there is anyway your dentist can help you with this. After all, many people are affected by bad breath, also known as halitosis, in spite of the fact that they brush their teeth regularly.

If this sounds familiar, keep reading. These tips will help you keep your breath fresher.

First, Make Sure You Are Brushing and Flossing

While a good dental hygiene habit cannot cure halitosis completely, it is still important that you evaluate your current routine. Are you brushing often enough? Are you brushing long enough? Are you brushing correctly?

Make sure to brush your teeth slowly and firmly in a circular motion, ensuring you get all surfaces of each tooth. Ideally, you would brush two or three times each day to eliminate all bacteria from your mouth.

Finally, make sure that flossing is part of your daily routine. Daily flossing helps you remove the bacteria and plaque you can't get with a brush.

Consider Your Overall Health

You may not realize it, but some of your other health issues could be causing you to have bad breath. For example, you might have a sinus infection, often indicated by headaches, runny nose, and other symptoms. You could also have a respiratory infection, which can also impact your breath. People who experience acid reflux may also have bad breath.

Look At Your Water Intake

People who have dry mouth tend to develop bad breath because they don't have the saliva they need to fight off bacteria. Make sure you are drinking a lot of water to keep your mouth feeling fresh.

Think About Your Diet

Many people do not realize that their diet also impacts their breath. Many people who follow the Keto diet report that they have bad breath because of the level of protein they are ingesting. Ketone increase in your body can actually lead to bad breath because of the changes to acidity in your body.

Talk to Your Dentist Today

No matter why you think you might have bad breath, it is always smart to talk to your dentist about the issue. You might not realize that you can do something to change the status of your halitosis, and your dentist may point you to the culprit, which could range from anything like dehydration or acid reflux to a cavity or abscess that needs to be taken care of. Visit a dentist's office to learn more.
