2 Tips To Consider When Moving From Thineers To Veneers

Cracked, chipped, and crooked teeth can often throw your overall smile out of alignment. Therefore, dental restorations like veneers and thineers are often recommended in order to give your mouth the appearance of a uniform smile. These dental restorations are sheets that are applied to the surface of your teeth in order to hide imperfections. Veneers are more frequently used because they can be applied to a variety of teeth, while thineers are typically reserved for smaller teeth.

Are Gums Supposed To Look This Way? Three Natural Ways To Heal Your Receding Gums

When it comes to taking care of your body, the mouth seems to take a back seat. In 2012, the CDC reported that over forty-seven percent of adults suffer from moderate to severe periodontitis. That's over sixty-four million adults in American alone. Periodontitis will cause your gums to recede and bleed. While you need to seek medical help for this condition, there are things you can do at home that will help stop your gums from receding and restore them back to their glory days.

Why You Should Get Your Misaligned Teeth Straightened With Metal Braces

Do you have a mouth full of badly misaligned teeth that you are embarrassed of? The solution to getting over your embarrassment might be to visit a cosmetic dentist so he or she can install metal braces. There are actually several perks that will come with getting metal braces besides straightening up your teeth. Take a look at the list in this article to discover a few of the advantages that you will enjoy by getting your misaligned teeth straightened with metal braces.

Improving Your Smile: Techniques Used To Give You A Brighter, Better Smile

While traditional dentistry focuses on restoring your teeth and cavity prevention, cosmetic dentistry is concerned about the appearance of your teeth. Whether your teeth are stained from years of coffee drinking, or you have crooked, chipped, or even missing teeth, cosmetic dentistry can help you. If you are not happy with the way your smile looks, take the time to sit down and talk with your dentist about your treatment options.

Have Years Of Sippy Cups Given Your Child An Overbite? What Are Your Options?

The knowledge that your child's baby teeth will eventually be replaced with permanent adult teeth may have left you less vigilant about policing bottle and sippy cup usage when your elementary school student was a toddler or preschooler. However, in some cases, heavy sippy cup use can cause your child's permanent teeth to grow into a significant overbite. What are the best orthodontic treatment options for an overbite caused by sippy cup usage?