Speeding Up Your Time In Braces

It's no wonder that people with braces want to get them off quickly. Having braces can be inconvenient, as you have to deal with things like avoiding sticky foods and brushing around brackets and wires. And, of course, you want to see your new, straight smile as soon as you can! But moving teeth takes time. Generally speaking, the further out of alignment your teeth are, the longer your orthodontist will have you in braces.

Dental Tips on How to Avoid Gum Disease

The first word that comes to mind when most people hear the word "dentist" is "teeth". Caring for your teeth is certainly important, but you can't afford to forget about your gums. For comprehensive oral health, the condition of your gums may be even more important in the long run than the condition of your teeth. Gum disease not only leads to loss of teeth and loss of bone in the jaw, but is also a factor in heart disease.

Teeth Whitening Methods

Most people would rather have a smile that is white and bright over one that looks stained. If you suffer from teeth that are less than white, you may wonder what methods you can try to brighten them. Here are some different ways to brighten your teeth safely for you to give a try. Fruit Rub the inside of a banana peel directly on your teeth. The potassium and magnesium in a banana can help remove surface stains.

5 Signs It's Time To Bring Your Child To The Dentist

Any good parent should consider their child's dental health as one of the most important parts of their overall health, but it can still be a challenge to ensure that your child's teeth are in the best shape possible. While it's likely that you're supervising your child brushing their teeth at least twice a day, there could be other issues that may not be taken care of with routine brushing. In order to prevent any serious dental issues later, look out for the following five seasons that you may need to schedule a dental appointment.

Who Is A Good Candidate For A Space Maintainer?

When a child loses his or her baby teeth early, then the space that remains can close in before the permanent teeth come in. To prevent such an occurrence, dentists install dental space maintainers in such children. However, not every child is a good candidate for this treatment: Has Lost Other Teeth Apart From the Upper Four Front Ones Space maintainers are needed to keep the void caused by a missing tooth from closing in.